Is it spinning in the gotta-get-the-perfect-gift, make-this-the-best-Christmas-ever rush of commercialized insanity that’s become a sort of sick norm? Is it aching with the loss of a parent, spouse, or loved one who is no longer a part of your life, and will be sorely missed over the holidays? Maybe your heart is reaching back to the Ghosts of Christmas’ past, lost in the memories (ecstatic or painful) you wish to re-create…or avoid.
Maybe you’re asking yourself right now “My heart? Where’s my heart? Who’s got time to think about something like that?”
If there’s such a thing as a prime time for becoming stressed out, over-extended, and disenchanted, it’s probably the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Love them or hate them, the holidays are intense. Asking yourself Where is my heart? may just be the most important thing you can do this year to hold on to your sanity and actually appreciate the holidays.
Because Christmas isn’t really about presents. It’s more about Presence. And being present is about being in your heart. Appreciating exactly what’s right here, right now. It really doesn’t matter what the circumstance is - even some of the suckiest situations, when viewed from a state of heart-felt presence, have their own beauty and grace. Really!
So, I’m encouraging you to open your Christmas Presence early this year. Early and often.
When you feel yourself spinning out with all that needs to be done, notice what it feels like in your body. Stop - even just for a moment - and breathe. In that stolen moment lies presence, and in presence lies choice. What can you do later, or delegate? Does it all really have to be done? Why are you doing it? And, maybe just take a break!
If you’re feeling the loss of a loved one, grieving their absence and knowing that Christmas will never be the same without them, notice the feeling. Then Stop - even just for a moment - and breathe. In that stolen moment lies presence, and in presence lies choice. Maybe there’s a way to honor those feelings of loss, and all the Christmases you spent with your loved one. What is needed? Maybe it's time to create new rituals to celebrate in a completely different way.
Notice when your mind wanders into the world of Christmas Past, and Stop - even just for a moment - and breathe. In that stolen moment lies presence, and in presence lies choice. Feel the memory, let it wash over you, and let it go. Ask yourself what is needed to create a meaningful Christmas in this time, right here, right now. You will never re-create an experience from the past. Not really. And when we try, we rob ourselves of the present.
You'll notice a common theme here: Stop. Breathe. Make a choice. That's really all there is to it. When we step into the present moment, we are at choice to create exactly the experience we want to create. I know it doesn't feel that way - it may not even feel possible! But I encourage you to try it. Even the smallest amount of presence can shift your experience of life a lot.
I'm wishing you a beautiful holiday season, filled with love and appreciation for this incredible life we are living.