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This question came up for me this week, as I heard the news of a special counsel being appointed to look into the potential of Russia interfering in the US elections. There has been huge public outcry for this to happen - someone has to do something, right? And then, whew! It happened.
Maybe I'm just jaded, but it got me wondering if there is really anyone who can come to the rescue of this fractured country. For every liberal-minded person celebrating this appointment, there's a conservative-minded person thinking it's unjustified and unnecessary.
This notion of rescue runs deep in our collective consciousness. It seems many thought Trump would rescue us from a slide into socialist-minded governing. Many thought Clinton could rescue us from the prospect of a Trump administration. Many think the government can rescue us; others think we need to be rescued from the government.
It goes deeper than politics, though. The notion of our need to be rescued runs through the major religions: Christ, Buddha, and Mohammed were all a type of savior/messiah. They came to rescue us from sin, or the human condition of the mind, our flawed humanity. Jews and Christians are waiting for the second coming of the messiah, so we can get rescued again.
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We are shown again and again by countless super-heroes that humanity must be saved from itself; just think, for a moment of all the rescue messages we receive in the course of a day. Begin to notice them - I guarantee, it'll be eye-opening.
Where does this come from, deep at the source? Because when you look at us human beings, we are pretty amazing creations. When we incarnate we are, on all levels (physical, spiritual, and emotional), whole and complete in every way. I'm not talking about an infant needing care for survival, or our fundamental need for human connection. If you strip away the countless thousands of years of programming that we are somehow flawed and in need of rescue; if you dig deep into our essential nature, we are whole. Holy. A unique, physical manifestation of spirit. I'm in awe of that.
What if we each tapped into our wholeness, stopped believing that we are fundamentally flawed and/or a sinner, stopped blaming others for all that we perceive as wrong in the world, stopped waiting for the next messiah or guru or world leader to show us the way? What if we learned to listen to our own knowing without question, and acted accordingly? What if we were able to recognize immediately when we are being programmed with bullshit messages that if only we ____, then we'd finally be ______ (happy, successful, loved)?
What if we realize that this entire culture is of our own creation; that it's a mind game in which we are allowing ourselves to be cheated of our own divine nature?
It takes courage to step out of the collective mind game, to take ownership for our lives and the world we are creating. The choice is ours: keep going along for the ride, hoping that someday our prince will come (metaphorically speaking, of course!)? Or to see through the charade, realize that the emperor is, indeed, naked as can be, and work to create the life we are dreaming of?
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