I've been struck by the idea of emergence
lately...perhaps triggered by the extraordinary, delayed spring here in
Minnesota, and my longing for the emergence of the warm sun and some green-ness
and flowers. However, I'm thinking it's more about an inner process I’ve been
going through over the course of this past year or so. I’ve been deep into figuring
out how to express myself from the authentic core of my being (this,
apparently, is what can happen when one enters her fifties). Whatever the
cause, emergence is up for me. I find myself turning it around and around in my
mind and heart, noticing all kinds of ways emergence emerges in each day.
What I'm aware of
is the challenge of allowing that comes with emergence.
Allowing often means slowing down, listening carefully. Even...gasp...waiting!
We (and I mean the collective "we" here) don't like to wait! In our
society, it's much more common - and in many ways, more comfortable - to treat
everything as if it were an emergenc-y! We want it right now, as soon as we're
aware of the desire.
Okay, if I'm going
to be honest here, I can replace the "we" in the preceding paragraph
with "I." Historically, I've been the one making things happen. Make the
plan, work the plan. And what I've seen happen over and over in my life is that
I find myself exactly where the plan led me, but realize that it's not really where I want to be at all! So how do I
figure out where I want to be??
Recently my friend
Molly shared a recording on the topic with me, and it has been turning in me
for weeks. The speaker was Derek Rydall, and he did an interview
with Kristin Howe from the Manifest Everything Now program. His take on manifestation
really spoke to me, and is very much in alignment with what I've learned from
my teachers over the years about the flow of energy in this universe. Rydall
makes the bold statement that self-improvement is an oxymoron, and that the
obsessive drive we have to improve ourselves actually takes us further from
true fulfillment and covers up our original perfection - and often leaves us
feeling more broken than we were when we began our quest for self-improvement!
He claims we are already the thing we're seeking - that we have it all within
us, all potential just waiting to be activated by our attention and intention.
Wow. Pretty heady
stuff. But is it?
The ancient wisdom
traditions I've studied also speak of emergence, although the languaging is
somewhat different. Both the Mayan and the Egyptian Huna traditions I've
studied teach of the perfection of the human spirit - that we are born with our
full potential intact, like a blueprint in the genetic code of our cells. In
fact, the word Huna means hidden treasure - that divine kernel of perfection
that resides in each of us. In each cell of each one of us. Like the
genetic blueprint that makes an acorn into an enormous oak tree, we are
programmed to become exactly what and who we are. We don’t find the oak
tree taking courses on self improvement, striving to have branches that are as
beautiful as all of the other oak trees. In nature, original perfection is
simply expressed.
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So if it's all
right there inside of me, why can't I just express it already?
Could it be
because I, like so many, treat expression like an emergenc-y? Try to make it happen, rather than let it happen? Or because I’ve been on
a 25+ year journey of self improvement? Striving to be a better, more slender,
more beautiful version of the absolutely amazing, perfect human being that was
born 52 years ago?
I am learning to allow life to unfold. And what I'm discovering is
that it makes for real, true living. It's much, much easier than forcing
things. I have a level of contentment that I have never had before. All of the
striving and pushing I used to do left me feeling as if I'd never "get
there." What a revelation to see that I'm already there! Every day, I'm
already there.
I gotta say, I love my fifties. If that’s what it takes – age,
experience, wisdom – to move out of that constant striving for something
better, then I’m grateful for this phase of my life.
What is trying to emerge from your genetic blueprint, the soul of
your being? How would it feel to just allow life to happen? To know the
perfection that is in each day? These are questions worth pondering...