Now this story is available in a very well-scripted, well-acted, all-too-real version right in our living rooms. I watched the first three episodes with my sister a few weeks ago, and we both found ourselves deeply disturbed. All the while I was watching, I was hearing a voice in my head: "This can't happen here. Could this actually happen here?"
The third episode bothered me the most. The main character found her credit card disabled when she went to make a purchase. She called the company, only to find out that all of her accounts had been shut down, and only her husband could access her funds. There were a series of scenes in which the city was taken over by 'police.' The women kept saying "This can't be happening. They can't do this..." Over and over again, my own thoughts played out on the screen.
I have worked with my thoughts about this program over the past few weeks. It's hard to miss the ominous undertone of the story line. Even though it was written in the eighties, it seems written for this time. I've been asking myself, what are people doing with their feelings when they watch this show? It seems to me that we can go one of two directions with it: we can collapse into fear that this is our future path; or we can say HELL NO.
I choose HELL NO. This means that every time the disturbing scenes go through my mind, I say NO. I made a choice not to watch the next episodes, at least not yet. I know the story, I've read the book. And...NO.
Then I saw an innocent post on Facebook yesterday, in which a woman I respect made a comment that ended with "...and gearing up for the real-life Handmaid's Tale that's coming next." My heart quite literally skipped a beat. Is this what people think? Is this what they are doing with their feelings about this TV series, and also about the endless stream of theocratic bullshit coming out of Washington?
I suspect this was a casual comment, and our thoughts are always a reflection of what's really going on inside of us.
Here's why this whole situation bothers me so much: what if it's true that our thoughts create our reality?
The woo-woo new-agers have been claiming this as truth for many years. I don't identify as a woo-woo new-ager, but I have also believed this to be true for many years. And now, quantum science is coming forward with credible proof that matter is, indeed, influenced by thought. Curious? Think I'm crazy? Do a Google search, just see what all comes up. Read some of the new books out there on the topic. It'll definitely get your attention. Here are a couple of links to get you started: Nothing is Solid and Everything is Energy, and Parallel Worlds Exist and Interact with Our World. Read Gregg Braden's books, or Lynn McTaggart's book The Field.
Another option is to get quiet and ask the question, deep inside of yourself. I've been engaged in this question for a long time, and what I see is that we humans are sort of dangling in between the unmanifest world, the world of spirit, and the world of matter that we live in. The energies of creation move through us, are influenced by our thoughts and intentions, and then they take form. When enough people in the collective field of energy we live in believe something strongly enough, it takes form in the collective world of matter.
If there's even a chance that this is true, then what we think and what we say matters. A lot.
Now, more than ever, we need to be conscious of the impact a TV series, or a news article, a movie, or a conversation with others has on us. It takes a nano-second for fear to rise. We can all see the potential for something like The Handmaid's Tale to become reality. It's hanging there in the collective field, and if enough of us believe that this is what's to come, then it shall be so. That's how it works.
And, the HELL NO option is hanging in the collective field, too. There is strong evidence of that, every single day. The important thing to realize is that we are choosing which one becomes reality, each and every moment, with each and every thought, word, and action we take.

Keep your thoughts focused, friends. It's important. The stakes are high. We are co-creating the future, and way past the point that we can get by with blaming others when we fall down. Maybe you think this is all a bunch of woo-woo crap. But...what if it isn't?
With love and respect,
Thanks for the reminder and the reality check, Zar. It is a wakeup call. How much will I tolerate before saying Hell No???