Well, I do have some thoughts on this, and have spent the last thirty years exploring the territory of spirituality in many forms. However, when it comes to offering advice, I feel somewhat paralyzed. My first inclination is to share my most powerful meditation practices and favorite recordings that help me find my zone. Then I remember how much that sucks, when someone comes forward with a 'recipe' that works for them, and I find it doesn't work for me at all. Epic fail. Opportunity for those voices inside to chime in, a chorus of "See, I told ya you can't meditate!"
These requests for help and advice are very real and soul-felt, and I would neither want to disregard them or offer a recipe. My wish is for everyone to find their own way into a deeper spiritual experience of life.
So, here's my advice: The only way forward in the discovery of a deeper spiritual experience of life is to find your way forward. This process is completely unique for each one of us, and there are countless tools out there to help you on your journey. The trick is to hold the intention of deepening, survey the options that are out there, and try new practices. Often. They don't call it the practice of meditation for no reason.
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My point is, I need to mix it up a lot. I hold the intention for a daily time of reflection, and most days I do that. Not every single day, that's just not reality. But I find I miss it when I don't. That time of reflection has become an anchor for me. I've learned to be quiet, to hear my own thoughts, to slip underneath the busy mind-chatter into my deep thoughts. To listen to my inner knowing. To respect and honor that knowing as if it came from the wisest sage. Because it did—no one can possibly know what's right for me better than me, myself.
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Perhaps the toughest part of starting any kind of practice is making the commitment and carving out the time and space to do it. Maybe that's a practice in itself—sitting with your feelings about making that choice. Does it make you feel proud? Peaceful? Happy? Selfish? Restless? Indulgent? Allow that process to unfold over the course of days, weeks, or even months until you feel ready for something different. Then explore other options.
There are many. Have some fun with searching them out. Pay attention to what grabs your attention, or lights up for you. Pay attention to what shows up! Here are some options I'm aware of:
- Get yourself outside in nature. Breathe in. Breathe out. Look around you. Tune in to the beauty. Put your feet on the ground. Ahhh....
- Oprah has teamed up with Deepak Chopra to provide meditation guidance in a series of 21-day Meditation Challenges. Read more info or sign up at oprah.com/meditate.
- Get some meditation music, and just listen to it. Maybe even on the way to or from work (no lotus position or closed eyes, please!). Some of my favorites are Stephen Halpern's Deep Theta, Gary Malkin's Unspeakable Grace, Eckhart Tolle's Music to Quiet the Mind, and 33 Bowls Tibetan Singing Bowls.
- If you're wanting to really go "out there," Tom Kenyon's website offers lots of free information and recordings based on his work with The Hathors and Mary Magdaline. He is a master when it comes to the power of sound, and his other-worldly recordings can provide an entry portal into altered states of consciousness.Take a trip to his website and see if he strikes a chord with you.
- There is a ton of information out there on mindfulness, which is not only practical throughout your day, but can help you build a practice of meditation. Do a search on it and see what you find.
- Take a class on meditation, or yoga, or Reiki, or any of the many other options out there. Maybe it doesn't end up opening a new life-path for you, but often a class can open other doors for you, broaden your understanding of what you like and don't like, and help you meet other like-minded seekers.
- Challenge yourself with some evocative reading. I'm fascinated by the meeting place between human consciousness and quantum physics. This is not for everyone, but I love books like The Field by Lynne McTaggert, or books by Barbara Marciniak including Bringers of the Dawn. Books like these push my edges, and help me entertain ideas of a much bigger world than the one we routinely perceive.
These suggestions are just that—suggestions. The main take-away here is that it's YOUR journey, completely defined by you and conducted in a way that works for you. Morning, mid-day, evening, rotating—you decide the time of day. The amount of time. It's the intention that matters, the process of learning to put yourself absolutely first for those moments in time. Toss aside any presumptions about what it has to look like or feel like, and just be present with what is. It might even be super uncomfortable for awhile, but stick with it! You'll find your way...because it's your way to fnd.
We are living in an amazing, transitional time. Whenever one of us carves out the time and space to tune in and listen, we are making a contribution to the collective whole of humanity. It's important. Not only for ourselves and our own sanity, but in terms of forging a new path forward for all.
With love and respect,
Thank you for your wise and lovinget words, Zar.