Sunday, October 9, 2016

What's Your Prevailing Current?

The increasing emotional polarity in our world has become impossible to miss. The actions of our leaders—and the subsequent reactions of the people— are more transparent than ever. The result is increased intensity across the board. Increased emotions, such as fear, anger, and self-righteous judgment. Like love, kindness, and fierce protection of life and the planet. These two currents run side by side, influencing us all and contributing to the general messiness of being a human being.

Photo credit
When you break it down and look at what’s behind each of these emotions, each of these currents, it comes down to two simple energy streams: Love. And fear. They exist in our collective consciousness, like huge pools of energy. Each and every thought, word, or action we experience emerges from and contributes to one of these pools of energy, either love or fear. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are IN it. 

Have you ever been with someone who insisted they were “Just fine,” but you could feel the anger emanating from them? Behind anger lies fear. Always. Or have you encountered a stranger, maybe a waitress or bank teller, who was just going about their business, but radiated kindness? Behind each act of kindness lies love.

My intention is not to imply that there are “good” emotions and “bad” emotions. It’s not so simple. It is important for us to understand the energy stream with which we are engaging. Ultimately, what’s needed in this world are thoughts, words, and actions that are life-affirming. For example, sometimes anger is very life affirming! We channel anger when we protect our children, when we say NO to violence and exploitation. Here’s the thing, though—at their root, those protective actions are about love. Now if we hang on to that anger, it's a different energy entirely. For example, if we become self-righteous in judging perpetrators, we run the risk of shifting from love to fear. When we trace our emotions down to their tap root, their source, we can always identify whether they come from love or fear. Try it! It is truly an eye-opening practice.

In the recent months, I’ve found myself asking myself this question: What’s it going to take for humanity to wake up? It came up for me every time I watched the news, heard the ugliness of our political rhetoric, learned of another police shooting or another bombing in Syria. What’s it going to take? I now realize that this question was coming from a place of fear. Really, what I was asking is this: How bad does it have to get?

In holding that thought, I was feeding the fear energy bank. Even though my intention is about creating a world in which we live in peace, where the needs of the people and the planet are cared for, I was coming from a place of fear. I was contributing to the size and power of the fear current. And when we do that, we make fear the prevailing current.

What if we all made a conscious choice to make love the prevailing current? I still wonder what it’s going to take for humanity to wake up. Only now I find myself checking in with love, feeling into that current. Seeing it getting bigger, and stronger. Influencing our world leaders. Instead of wondering how bad it has to get, I’m wondering how good does it need to get before love becomes the prevailing current? A subtle, but very powerful shift in perspective.

Currents image courtesy of NOAA
I invite you to notice when you experience a strong emotion. Feel into it, explore the tap root. Are you reacting from a place of fear? Or from love? We are all responsible for tending these currents, for the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions. Why not choose love as our prevailing current?

With respect,


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