From the Elders at Standing Rock, the Fourth Principle: Bring it Home. What are the issues
alive in your own neighborhood and how is the earth, water, and air needing
your help? The work before us is everywhere.
For me, this is
the most important principle of them all. This is, as they say, where the
rubber meets the road.
The elders are
showing us a new way forward—a way based on indigenous wisdom, ancient
practices that have proven to be life-sustaining and that hold the wholeness of
the system, what is best for all, at the heart of their prayer and their work
in the world. They are creating a new
legacy, and opening the way for us to do the same. Many of us are feeling a
powerful sense of I’m Sorry…for the
history of atrocity against Native Americans by this country, and also for the
damage we’ve witnessed and participated in against this planet. It is powerful
to see the truth, to acknowledge the wrongs that have been done.
This apology is a great start. There’s another very important
component to moving forward in a new legacy, though. Yes, I’m sorry. And…Never Again.
This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where we Bring it Home.
An apology without action can soon become empty words. It’s how we
move forward that gives our words substance.
What actions can you take in your day to day life that walk this
new legacy forward and make it real? Is there anything going on that hits you
in the gut, that feels as if it is not in the interest of the whole, is not
life affirming? Anything you’d like to see come to life? Any neighbors you’d
like to reach out to, get to know better? Volunteer work to be done? Where are
you called to put your stake in the ground?
This doesn’t have to be a big deal. It’s the small stuff that
really makes a difference—action by action, thought by thought, word by word.
That’s how we bring it home. The consistency of our thoughts, words and
actions. The persistent commitment to keep our prayer at the center of our day
to day lives. Our choices as to where we spend our money, where we bank, who we do business with. Where we invest our money.
Are there any issues related to the earth, to air, to water that you have passion for? How can you take action to help this country move forward in a way the cares for the planet?
As we move forward into 2017, I invite you to dream into ways you can create a new legacy in your life. When you hold this in your heart as a priority, the daily choices you make will be influenced. In the very best of ways.
Sending you all love, and blessings over this holiday time.
With respect,
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